At Kestrel Mead, the Art curriculum offers a broad and enriched curriculum including promoting the skills of drawing, collaging, painting and printing linked to big questions. Art is enriched with opportunities to use a variety of resources and apply what they have learnt through journaling and making their own decisions. 

It allows children to show their resilience as they continue to develop and practise different skills over time to improve on. Curiosity can also be shown through the creativity of the children’s ideas from the skills that have been taught. 

Art encourages children to express themselves and develop confidence and unique styles. This allows children to begin to develop their artistic flare to develop in their future careers. Children create art during cultural celebrations to contribute to school events and the community. 

In addition to this, it allows children to gain a good subject knowledge about a variety of artists as well as building on different techniques and skills to allow progression over time throughout the different year groups. 

Teachers model the teaching of skills and facilitate to allow children to understand the skill demonstrated. Children have access to a wide range of resources to allow them independence, promote trial and error techniques and allow individual children’s style and passion to shine through. From Year 1 to Year 6, particular skills are modelled and taught by the teacher within our Sticky Curriculum Big questions. Children are given time to practise and refine these skills and techniques in their Art skills development books using appropriate art resources. Once they have practised the skill, it is then applied to a final piece of artwork. This is then found in the children’s memorable learning journals on the Art page as well as on Seesaw. The teacher then assesses the skill used in the final artwork and star rates it on Seesaw.  

The love of art is promoted during art week. Each year group is given a specific artist where the children are able to explore the artwork produced by the artists and the techniques they have used. They then practise and apply these skills to build towards their final artwork. Teachers plan using a long-term plan which is then condensed into a knowledge organised for each Big question. This shows key skills to be taught and may provide opportunities for awe, wonder and reciprocity. This will promote engagement and excitement for the children. They will be able to gain first-hand experience and apply these skills learnt confidently. As a school we use this artwork to create inspiring displays around different themes.

Subject Plans


Trips and Enrichments

Each year group have enrichment days throughout the year linked to their Sticky Curriculum big question. The Creative Learning Centre visited our school to carry out an art workshop about Graffiti which is linked to the Year 2 Big question ‘Is graffiti art or vandalism?’ The children thoroughly enjoyed this workshop as they learnt all about Graffiti, practised the style of Graffiti and then applied their learning to create their final graffiti artwork.

Subject Champion/s
Miss J Gohil & Miss M Piper

Subject Leader/s
Miss S Hart