We are proud to be a school across two separate sites, with one school ethos. The Infant school site (Maidenwell Avenue) caters for children from Nursery to Year 2 and our Junior school site (Mundesley Road) serves our Year 3-6 children.


If school has received your application and the relevant forms they will be in touch by the end of February to advise on your child’s status for intake.

Thank you for your interest in our school.

TMET Nursery Admissions Policy
Nursery Process Policy

Reception to Year 6

Is your child due to start Reception in 2025  click here to view our flyer for the Reception open day. Please scan the QR code on the flyer to book an open day visit.

Our admissions for full time education (Reception to Year 6) are made through Leicester City Council.

To apply for a place at our school for your child in any of these year groups, you will need to submit an online application to Leicester City Council. Please see their website for details:

Leicester City Council – School Admissions

Admission arrangements for our school are in our Admissions Policy, including how the Local Authority will allocate places on a priority basis (oversubscription criteria).

KeMPA Admissions Policy 2023 Onwards

Kestrel Mead Academy’s catchment area can be found here.

In-year Admissions:

If you have moved address, recently arrived in Leicester or looking to change your child’s school, please click here for more information on how to apply for a place at our school.

Admissions Appeals:

For information about how to appeal an admissions decision and the latest admissions appeals timetable, please click here.

Leicester Schools Admissions Team contact details:

Address: School Admissions Service, Customer Service Centre, York House, 91 Granby Street,

Leicester, LE1 6FB

Telephone: 0116 454 1009 (option 1)

Email: [email protected]

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like more information about our school.